
Cuenca: My Hometown an International Gem (Mateo)

A good friend of mine once asked me to describe the place I love the most. My answer was a little bit like this: "Warm lights, elegant quiet streets, loving people and an echo of water flowing through the center of the city"  This description perfectly fits Cuenca, my hometown, the city I love the most. I will say that it is not only my personal opinion. Cuenca was categorized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. How cool is that?!!. This sweet title is due to Cuenca's magnificent monuments, charming churches, mountains, culture, and cuisine. And I am telling you, Cuenca has some sweet looking churches. My favorite one by far is the "Catedral Nueva", a beautiful sanctuary from the 18th century: As a kid, my mom used to take me to the city center, crowded with people as always, we enjoyed the sweet delight of a warm Cuenca milk candy, while we watched the imposing cathedral. As a child, I used to think I was looking at the Taj Mahal!!, yes TH